Goal #1:
Design of Experiment
To gain an understanding of the research process by developing our own class experiment.

Goal #2: Fiber Diameter

To determine the effect on fiber diameter of different weight percents and PEO solutions.
Research Team News
We have started the electrospinning process!  We're conducting a weight percent study of 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, and 7% solutions.
[ CM1] - Ryan A.
Communications Manager

Responsibilities include:
  • Web Site Mastering
  • Post all team information
  • Monitor web site statistics
  • Record all written communications
  • Maintain log of activities in research journal
  • Coordinate processes with PM2 and SM
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[ PM2 ] - Marty S.
Process & Materials Manager

Responsibilities include:
  • Develop operating procedures for all equipment
  • Demonstrate safe electrospinning processes
  • Develop standard for recording data
  • Maintain log of activities in research journal
  • Coordinate processes with SM and CM
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[ SM1] - Vincent T.
Safety Manager

Responsibilities include:
  • Develop safety guidelines for all equipment
  • Maintain MSDS folder for the team
  • Monitor equipment usage and report any concerns
  • Maintain log of activities in research journal
  • Coordinate processes with PM2 and CM
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